So I need an idea of the size of House Battery to get. To Store the excess solar energy from our solar panels.
Well the CUMonitor plus the tel-tec web calculator lets you model the problem so you can try out different house battery capacities at the different times of the year. see example logging data here.
If you are interested in joining the CUMonitor user group fill out the form here. Note you will have to purchase a CUMonitor box to log your house it you want to take part as a member
The Battery size is entered at the top of the page and the first (light green) bar chart is of the Power remaining in the Battery and the second is the Power from the solar panels. The Assumption is made that the 24 hr period starts with the Battery full.
Some CU Meters have an LED that illuminates when the Meter is exporting the to Grid CUMonitor can optionally monitor this or use an internally calculated flow,