Twitch Account Display

Use case description

A connected stand alone Web display to periodically read and display statistics available on the TWITCH API relating to a users Twitch account.

  • Registers with Twitch API the “secureblazingredleds” application Monica to allow access to the API. Lets users log-in to their Twitch accounts on their android device so that access keys can be granted.
  • Allows Channel statistics and events to be read modes:
  1. Subscribers
  3. Online/Offline and #Watching
  4. Events BITS Gifted or New Subscriber
  • Automatically extends token duration as 4H maximum expires
  • Displays live updates to LED display

Logging into twitch to get token

Connect to your Network

Please note : the correct network credentials should be entered before attempting to connect to the network

Configure Twitch RD